4 Crucial Reasons To Manage Your Stress And How To Resolve It!

Stress is a fact of life — but it DOESN’T HAVE TO BRING YOU DOWN! You can get ahead of it by learning healthy ways to manage or even eliminate it. Often, we can’t control when challenges arrive, but you CAN CONTROL HOW YOU REACT.

Everyone experiences stress in different ways and for different reasons, i.e. money, work, relationships, personal health problems, just to name a few. The good news is, you’re not alone, and WE ARE HERE to HELP AND SUPPORT YOU!

Let’s take a look at how too much stress can take a toll on your body, mind, and behavior, according to research.

  1. Changes in structure and function of the brain
    Chronic stress actually triggers long-term changes of the brain which can contribute to mental health and other issues, such as feeling tired, drained, overwhelmed, depressed,  a lack of motivation or focus, anxiety (including panic attacks) or trouble to control your temper.
  2. Gaining weight
    Stress can slow your metabolism and increase cravings.
  3. Immune system and your heart
    Many of my clients have noticed their health declining during and after stressful life events which can lead to autoimmune and other health conditions. A 2012 study published in Psychosomatic Medicine found that childhood traumatic stress increased the likelihood of being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease later in life. Too much stress can cause inflammation, along with high blood pressure and high cholesterol, which plays a major role in heart attack and stroke.
  4. Your Gut
    Stress is linked to gastrointestinal conditions like ulcers and gastroesopheal reflux disease. Did you know that your gut is known as your second brain and contains 95% of your  Serotonin also called the “Happy”  Neurotransmitter?

Below you’ll find some healthy tips that can help you to break the unrelenting storm of stress.

If you have tried these tips already and you are looking for more than “just” manage your stress give us a call at 619-379-7646 or email Hilde@HildeLCS.com. We will teach you simple techniques that allow you to quickly understand and ELIMINATE  the true sources of your distress PERMANENTLY and gain true mastery of your emotions, so you can begin to enjoy a balanced and peaceful life, right away.
For more information including testimonial you may also visit our website: www.HildeLCS.com

These healthy habits can help you stay cool under pressure:

  • Work that tension out
    Symptoms of stress can create a vicious cycle between your mind and body. Exercise helps to break this cycle by relieving tension and releasing feel-good brain chemicals.
  • Take a break to breathe and/or practice mindful breathing
    When you start to feel overwhelmed, try a few minutes of deep breathing. Breathe in for a count of 5, hold for 5, and exhale for 5. Repeat 10 times or until you start feeling more calm, grounded, and focused.
    The best way to practice mindful breathing is simply to focus your attention on your breath while you inhale and exhale.
  • Eat calming foods and avoid brain-zapping foods
    We recommend healthy fats like coconut oil and avocados that nourish your brain. Try to avoid sugar and gluten and other unhealthy items, they zap healthy brain functions.
  • Unplug to recharge
    Your phone needs time to recharge, and so does your brain. Disconnecting from digital noise for a little while each day can help you feel calm, sleep better, and spend more time on activities that nourish your soul.
  • Go to bed early and stick to a sleep schedule
    Lack of sleep affects your mood and the ability to focus. Research shows that optimal sleep for most people is around 7 hours per night. For a healthy routine, go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends.

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Hilde Gross
Family/Life Coach
Professional Speaker
Stress & Anxiety Relief Specialist
Tel. 619-379-7646

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